Philipsburg Public Library

Library Card Basics
Get a Free Library Card
To check-out materials, you must first sign-up for a library card in-person at the library. Residents and visitors of Philipsburg and the surrounding area may apply for a Philipsburg Library card, as long as no other library card is kept from a library within the Montana Partners Sharing Group. Visitors may use their library card from a Partner Library to check-out materials from the Philipsburg Library.
Minors must have their library card application signed by their parent or guardian. Parents or guardians are responsible for supervising their child’s use of the library and ensuring materials are returned.
Borrow Materials
Library card numbers are needed for online services- please contact us or drop by if you need your card number!
Physical Books and Audiobooks may be checked-out for 28 days. DVDs, Ebooks, and Online Audiobooks may be checked-out for 14 days.
Items may be renewed upon request.
Returning Materials
Materials may be returned to us at the front desk, via our 24-hour book drop (located to the right of our entrance), or at any Montana library participating in the Montana Partners Sharing Group (this includes Drummond, Missoula, Anaconda, Hamilton, and more!).
Please notify the library of any damaged or lost items.